Tell Us Your Volunteer Story
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This year marks the 20th anniversary of Mariposa Folk Festival back in Orillia. To help mark the occasion, we are collecting interesting volunteer stories for possible inclusion at a special Volunteer Recognition Display.
If you have a good volunteer story, please tell it to us. If you have more than one, or even several, please tell them all, but please limit your stories to 250 words each. If you could accompany your story with a digital photo, that would be awesome. Make sure to include your full name, volunteer team or role, and the approximate year your story took place.
The stories will be curated, and the selected stories will be attributed to you and assembled in a Volunteer Memories Display during the Festival. Some of these stories may also be shared on our social media platforms.
By virtue of submitting a story, you are authorizing the Mariposa Folk Foundation to publish it. All those who submitted a story will be entered into a random draw for a $50 gift certificate.
Please submit your story by June 21st, 2019, but the sooner the better. All stories and photo attachments should be submitted to Please write “Volunteer Story” in the subject line.
We are sure there are lots of entertaining Mariposa volunteer stories to be told. Please tell us yours!